Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In Need Of Prayer

“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”
THANK THE LORD, we don't have to imagine that anymore. Skippy starts his new job with Bowman Apple on November 16th, just in time for our anniversary. What a GIFT!!!
Hey God......thanks for showing off in a big way today!!! I ♥ YOU!

SKIPPY UPDATE #1: He said the interview was looooooong and that the supervisor is going to push for them to hire him. He should know something within a day or two. It would be 5-10 hour days with 10 hours of overtime each week. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY that this is the Lord's will. I know that WHATEVER the outcome, God WILL BE uplifted and glorified!

As some of you know, my dear Skippy will be losing his job in the next four weeks. He has been searching for a job locally, but there is nothing available in our small town.

We have been praying for peace from God and direction in all of this. God has revealed many things to Skippy And I over the past few months and we are learning, although we fall miserably short, to COMPLETELY trust and obey our Heavenly Father!

Would you please be in prayer with us tomorrow as Skippy has an interview with Bowman Apple in the morning. They have a few positions that have in mind for him and we are excited to see what path our lives will take. If this is where God is leading us, then I hope that everything goes well and we are able to discern that it IS God's will for us. If not, we will continue to seek His will for our family, whatever that may be.

Thank you, my friends. May you be abundantly blessed in all you do!


  1. Aw, I will most certainly keep your family in my prayers. God will always provide for his children, I promise you this :) remember, if he does not get this job then there is something even better lined up!!!

  2. I absolutely agree!

    God is good all the time....all the time God is good! :> )

  3. I'll be praying tonite and tomorrow. God bless you both! :)

  4. Dear Laura,

    everything will be ok! God has a plan and He is with you and your family! He knows you and your wonderful family, so He will help you!!
    I will keep you in my prayers!


  5. Agreeing in prayer! My husband lost his job last November. Thankfully, he was old enough to begin drawing Social Security, but it has been a huge adjustment. GOD has most certainly been faithful in "every" area of our lives.
    Blessings, andrea

  6. I will be praying. I think trusting God's plan comletely is not the hardest part, but feeling peace while you trust and wait...that is what gets me.

  7. Thank you, sweet ladies, for all your prayers. I will keep you updated when I find something out.


  8. What GREAT news ... I'm still praying ... God bless you all!

  9. Oh, I sure hope its God's will!!!! I'll be praying with you!!!

  10. Laura,

    Will be adding these needs to our family prayer time. When my husband was laid off several years ago, we saw God work in ways that even now, seven years later, make my heart stand still in wonder. You are absolutely right, no matter what or how God will be glorified.



  11. I'm adding my prayers to the rest Laura, I'm sure the right position is just waiting for him!!

  12. Youve Been Tagged, Please go to my blog

  13. Laura! I'm so happy for your husband!
    God bless your family and this new job!

    Hugs and blessings!

  14. Dear Laura,

    Well, you can tell that I have not been out and about lately. I am sorry I did not see this earlier, but I am thankful that you now have the answer to your prayers!
    Praise God!


  15. Oooo - Congratulations to Skippy! :) And thanks for the update! (((HUGS))))


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