Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Choose Life

No matter how good or bad your choices have been in your life, there is really just one choice that matters:  where you will spend eternity.

God has given you a free will, and He expects you to use it. You must choose Him-consciously; intentionally choose Him or you will be making a choice by default, a choice against Him.

The Bible says it's a life and death matter. Your free will is His gift to you-SO USE IT!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

28th Anniversary Weekend Getaway

Skippy took me away for a couple of days for our 28th anniversary, of which the location was unknown to me.  But before we could go, he made me play Hang Man.  If I guessed it right, I got to go.  If I guessed wrong.....Skippy was going without me! lol

As we approached the driveway, Skippy made me close my eyes.  When I opened them, I was taken aback by the absolute beauty of our surroundings.  The pictures do not do our little hideaway justice!


Hamlet at Frenchman's Pond
Wood burning stove in the stone room :D
Sofa bed
Getting in and sitting in the hot jacuzzi was 
getting out, well......mmmm....not so much! 

We made our own meals.......
We had Ruebens.....
 with seasoned sweet potato fries
 A pork roast with T.O.E. Jam Marmalade
(tangerine, orange and elderberry)
 And fruit to snack on 
(the watermelon was in the fridge)
and other delicious meals
We pulled the mattress off the sofa bed and 
slept in front of the fire.  

My favorite place to be
Hot tea and coffee by the fire or down by the pond.
The magical hour - I absolutely LOVE the way 
everything looks at that time - the sun is starting to set
 We sat in the rockers and gazed out on the pond

 The reflection in the pond

  And walked around it. 
 We had a picnic of mixed nuts and apples with
caramel dip down along the bank.

After our picnic, we tried out the self-timer on my camera.  
Skippy was such a good sport!

I love this picture of Skippy.
He was so relaxed there
Just relaxing in the rockers

The temperature got up to 72* while we were there.
It's hard to believe two days later we had 7 1/2 inches of snow!  

 I loved our cabin in the woods and didn't want to come back. 
Goodbye, Hamlet at Frenchman's Pond.........
until next year!

Sunday, November 23, 2014


HAPPY 28th ANNIVERSARY To My Skippy Man: I am so THANKFUL and truly BLESSED for my husband and best friend because....
*He works hard to provide for us every day.
*I can trust him with my whole heart to make any decisions for our family.
*He is my protector.
*He tries hard to understand me even when I am being difficult.
*He is incredibly forgiving.
*He has stayed married to me for 28 years (HE MUST TRULY BE CRAZY!!)
*He works hard to allow me to be home with Kiddo and be there to welcome him home each day *He makes me laugh with his warped sense of humor
*He is happy wearing used clothing
*I am thankful for your love of God and family.
*For holding me when I cry, even if it's over something as crazy as fabric softener
*For your friendship, understanding, and forgiveness
*He enjoys my cooking.
*He chose me to be his wife.
*He thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world even when I have no make-up on and sloppy hair.
*He is by no means perfect, but I know he is perfectly God's plan for me and I am thankful for that. *God made us for each other and knit our hearts together.
*He is what God made Him and I love him just the way he is! Thank you for putting up with me all these years!


Saturday, November 22, 2014


I am very thankful for sleep and the way it restores my body, mind and soul. I’m also grateful for the incredible sweetness of a sleeping child.

Friday, November 21, 2014


I am thankful for clothing that keeps me warm during these cool fall days and the snow that might be coming on Wednesday. I’m especially thankful for my cozy sweatshirt with the hood!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


I am thankful for Freedom of Religion and being able to worship wherever and whenever I want is something many people don’t ever experience.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I am thankful for my sight and hearing. What a blessing it is to be able to see my children and granddaughter and hear them laugh. 

Monday, November 17, 2014


I am thankful for God, our heavenly Father.   I am thankful for his unconditional love and abundant grace and blessings he has bestowed upon me. I am rich beyond my wildest dreams!!!! 
Thank you, Jesus!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


I am thankful for my siblings. Although we are miles apart, scattered from NY to FL to TX to OR, we are never far from each others hearts. Thank you for being there for me. I Love and Miss you all!