Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Friday, March 21, 2014

A Productive Day


I am very thankful that I was able to spend a nice, relaxing, productive time at home today. Aside from the usual things that need to be done to keep our home running, I had the opportunity to get my fabric ready for a quilting project I will be working on..........
redo the cover on the cell phone.......
 and make my very own tart warmer.  
I had wanted to get another one for the kitchen but they run around $10.00.  I had an idea in my head but wasn't sure how to put it together.  I went around the house seeing what I had to use and this is what I came up with.  It may not look pretty but it serves its purpose and does a great job making the kitchen smell soooo good!

What projects have YOU been working on?


Monday, March 17, 2014


Last night it snowed and we got over ten inches.....AGAIN!!   It seems crazy since just the day before yesterday it was in the 60's.  I absolutely LOVE the cold and snow but even I am done with winter this year!


Once Kiddo and I had breakfast, I went out to take care of then hens.  After shoveling the coop out, I opened the door so the ladies could come out and play. As they gazed out upon the freshly fallen snow, I heard them laugh at me.......
 then quickly turn around and run right back inside, where they then proceeded to stuff their faces!  

Ungrateful little things!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What A Blessing

A few weeks ago I drove to an empty farm house that I absolutely LOVE and pray one day to live.   It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day, after weeks of bitter cold, so I decided to stay for awhile and just take in the beauty and magnificence of it all.

This particular day, I came upon a mamma and her newly born calf on part of the acreage that is being rented for cattle.  After a little while, the calf got up and walked around on her very wobbly legs. I have to say, that was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Mamma then started making noise, giving direction to her newborn to follow her, and away they went to another section of the field together.  I have a feeling they were trying to get away from me!  lol

Thank you, Father, for giving me that moment to slow down and enjoy Your AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL world. 
What a blessing it truly was!