Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Sunday, November 23, 2014


HAPPY 28th ANNIVERSARY To My Skippy Man: I am so THANKFUL and truly BLESSED for my husband and best friend because....
*He works hard to provide for us every day.
*I can trust him with my whole heart to make any decisions for our family.
*He is my protector.
*He tries hard to understand me even when I am being difficult.
*He is incredibly forgiving.
*He has stayed married to me for 28 years (HE MUST TRULY BE CRAZY!!)
*He works hard to allow me to be home with Kiddo and be there to welcome him home each day *He makes me laugh with his warped sense of humor
*He is happy wearing used clothing
*I am thankful for your love of God and family.
*For holding me when I cry, even if it's over something as crazy as fabric softener
*For your friendship, understanding, and forgiveness
*He enjoys my cooking.
*He chose me to be his wife.
*He thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world even when I have no make-up on and sloppy hair.
*He is by no means perfect, but I know he is perfectly God's plan for me and I am thankful for that. *God made us for each other and knit our hearts together.
*He is what God made Him and I love him just the way he is! Thank you for putting up with me all these years!



  1. What a sweet tribute to your husband. Mine's a keeper, too. So thankful to the Lord for these Godly men.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  2. Happy {belated} anniversary to you both!!!

    What a nice post about your hubby.

    How blessed you are to have a good man!!

    Me too! I have one of the best men that our Heavenly Father has ever put on this earth :)

    You guys have us beat by a few months. In April, we will celebrate our 28th.

    Have a blessed day and a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  3. Laura,

    What a beautiful testament to the wisdom the years have brought to you. Not only may you have many more years of blessed happiness but an eternity together! Hope this helps others to see the value in marriage and for supporting our husbands in everything we do.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat


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