Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Every week, my friend Cathy over at Tales of the TCKK Famly participates in the "RANDOM DOZEN" hosted by Linda, at 2nd Cup of Coffee. I have wanted to participate for a good while now, but something always distracts me. Huh, go figure! lol So, while sitting here thinking about all the things I SHOULD be doing, I decided I SHOULD be doing RANDOM DOZEN! lol

Here goes:

1. Have you ever been so lost that you were really afraid?
No, I have not. I'm usually with Skippy. He gets us lost enough for the both of us!

2. Have you ever been to an island?
Yes! I was born and raised on Long Island, NY! lol

3. Are you more of a thinker or feeler?
Definitely, I am a feeler! I try not to use my brain too much!

4. Do you tend to see issues or situations in life as black and white or shades of gray?
Definitely black and white. Things here have to be in our house. Shades of gray just don't cut it with Kiddo. Black and white, right and wrong, in or out......no room for gray!

5. If you were stuck on an island, what book would you hope to have with you (Let's pretend the Bible is already there, so you can't say that.)
The Pioneer Cookbook!!! lol

6. What are you most afraid of?
I am most afraid of losing my husband and my children!

7. Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
Neither. Losing all my old memories, would mean that I would never remember my mom, dad, and my sister who have passed on.

8. Pretend I'm looking at a scrapbook page about you. There are three spaces for you to drop in individual pictures. What are those pictures of, and why did you select them?
Each picture would be of me holding each of one of my children on the day they were born.

9. If you were re-doing your wedding, what would you do differently? (If you're single, tell me one thing you would do if you were planning a wedding OR huge party.)
We would actually have a wedding with pictures, a cake, and a honeymoon! lol

10. Tell me one thing you know/believe about forgiveness.
I believe forgiveness is a choice we make through a decision of our will, motivated by obedience to God and his command to forgive. The Bible instructs us to forgive as the Lord forgave us: Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

11. You're waiting in a doctor's office. What is your favorite way to pass that time?
I always have a book with me so I can read while waiting.

12. If there were a clone of you in a parallel universe what is one way you hope she/he would be the same as you and one way you hope she/he would be better?
I hope that she would be a follower of Christ with a servants heart.....
and I hope that she would be of normal size! ROFLOL!

WHOA! I probably should have picked an easier set of questions to start with! lol


  1. I like what you said about forgiveness.

  2. I liked your answers!

  3. Glad you joined in. Did you enjoy it? I love Random Dozen each week and going over to read everyone's answers. I wanted my clone to not have issues with weight. I have that cook book but have yet to make anything from it. Great answers, see you next week :)


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