Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dress Challenge

Renee is NOT letting me use Sunday as my first day of our dress challenge, nor is she letting me end a day early. Soooo, I guess I have to count today as day #3 instead of #4! LOL

I have been freezing for the past two days so today I just HAD to wear a jacket. BRRRR! I even thought of starting a fire in the wood stove! lol

Kiddo took this picture of me outside near our lilac bush. Oh, the aroma!


  1. Great Pic

  2. Looking great! Hope you don't freeze..it is cold here...it must be freezing there...you are always at least 5 or so degrees cooler than we are.
    Hugs, andrea

  3. That's a beautiful picture Laura! I love your dress. It has been real chilly here also and I did start up the pellet stove again LOL
    Have a nice day!

  4. Great picture. I'm not even sure I own a dress any more (well at least not one that fits and is still in style) lol

    Love lilacs and the smell. Ours haven't started blooming yet.

  5. Love the phot.
    Yep Day 3 lol

  6. I haven't owned a dress since my school days...and that was a long time ago ;)

  7. Very nice. I like that bright blue underneath. Keep warm Laura. Blessings.

  8. You look very nice.
    I like the lilac bush too. They're one of my favorite flowers. :)

  9. Good for you. I could never do this challenge. Well actually if I could post pictures from just around my house I do wear some casual dresses. I don't have any that I wear out, away from the house!

  10. I mostly wear dresses and skirts. Just feel more like myself when I do! I actually need a "slacks challenge" to get out of the dress rut now and then!

    In OUR culture, one SHOULD be able to count Sunday as a dress day. Seems so many don't wear dresses even to church!

  11. Oh...I love lilac bushes, I should look into planting one. Do you ever dry the lilac? I once had a sprig I picked and it stayed fragrant long after it had dried.

    I think this dress challenge is great, nice to see your dress photos.

    This past weekend was warm, but today is cool again. Even here in California I have been burning the woodstove most days, at least in the evenings…I am almost out of wood now.



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