Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Feminine Friday

Well, Renee and I are on week two of "Feminine Friday" where we will be wearing a dress/skirt. If you are participating, please leave a comment along with your blog address to your post so we can come and see what beautiful dress/skirt you are wearing!

I also included a picture of my new sandals and my new polish. My friend Gena, is a certifiable certified nail tech and when I told her I "painted" my toenails, she told me in no uncertain terms, that I was INcorrect in my word usage. You *polish* your nails, you *paint* a barn door. Oooooo......Well, excuuuuuse ME! ROFLOL! Love you, G! :> )

Have a great weekend!


  1. you look cute :)

  2. You look lovely. Love the new shoes and the POLISHED toes!

  3. Hello Laura,

    Yes, you do look nice…and a beautiful polish on your toes, too!

    I decided to join you today and have posted a photo for Feminine Friday


  4. I do love that color on your toes. And your sandals. You look beautiful in your skirt. This is a cute idea. Too bad I already have a post today. I got a new skirt, tank, blouse and scarf a few weeks ago and have been saving it for a day when Allen was working from home that it was warm enough to wear. Today was finally the day. I even polished my toes mustang blue. Of course, I wear a skirt most ever day, so Allen was not particularly impressed by my choice of clothes. He did take time to tell me how pretty he thought I looked so my patience has its reward☺



  5. Cute toes..cute shoes.
    Hugs, andrea

  6. Laura,

    But don't you have to rub toes to get them to shine so polish doesn't really fit right? I still love that you painted your nails cause that is what you technically did.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. Love your sandals & toenails. You look nice. What a cute idea to get us to be a little more feminine at least once a week.

    Sunday is my most feminine day. I try to look nice for God's worship time at church.


  8. That is too funny. I think I paint my nails too. Which by the way, I need to get that done.

  9. I wore a skirt for part of the day - it was a jean skirt - medium blue with white knee sox and shoes - I looked like a NURSE ... LOL!
    God bless and you look GREAT!

  10. I think this is a lovely idea, as I am always in jeans or jods. I might change into a skirt for evenings every Friday and see how that goes.

  11. you look lovely Laura!!


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