Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

WHEW!!! We have been busy as bees these past 2 days. We have been cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning......holiday preparations are underway. Company coming is coming today and I have a ton of goodies to make.

As busy as our lives can get during this time of year, we need to stop and take a deep breath, and remember to thank our Heavenly Father for the ability to do all the amazing and wonderful things we do!

I pray you all have a great day, filled with the Holy Spirit!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have an amazing weekend.
    Blessings, andrea


WELCOME! Pull up a chair and stay awhile......the coffee's on and the door is always open!