Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Sunday, November 29, 2009




People today, have lost sight of what a true friendship is. So, in the spirit of my good friends, real life and on-line, I thought I would try and explain what true friends are.

Friends don't have to be exactly the same. They can have similarities, but they have their differences. We need to accept each other they way they are, faults and all. Be a WYSIWYG person (what you see is what you get), it's the best kind to be!

Friends should be able to argue! You can't always agree on everything. I think if you do, then you really are not being true.

You have to be comfortable together. You should never feel nervous or uptight, or feel like you are walking on egg shells. If you do, something isn't quite right.

Friends love each other UNCONDITIONALLY! Sure, we have our liitle "tiffs", but when all is said and done, we forgive and forget.

Believe in love at first sight because there IS the equivalent in friendship. You don't have to know someone for a really long time or really well to become good friends. Nor do you have to have met someone in-real-life. Many life-time friendships have grown with the only communication coming from chatting on-line or on the telephone.

Friends are FOREVER but only if YOU keep it that way! . Don't diss your buds, love them instead. And when they drive you crazy, love them that much more for being just a little bit different and maybe just a little bit quirky!



  1. Very sweet - I just wrote on non-friends - and I linked this entry to my post.
    Thanks my friend - love the music...
    xoxoxoxoxo & blessings!

  2. Hi Laura!

    I just loved this post on friendship! I hope you wouldn't mind if I link your post to my celebrate friendship meme, and also borrow some of the pictures here.....pleeeeaaaasssse ;-)


  3. Good morning, Ladies~

    That is very sweet of you. Please use what you like. I got these graphics off of a share site, so please, help yourself! :> )

    Thank you for stopping by this morning. I am heading out in a few minutes to run some errands, but when I return, I will stop by for a visit!


  4. AMEN!
    Much love, hugs, and prayers, andrea

  5. Now this is just perfect!!
    I'm honored to call you my friend!!!
    Big old hugs...


WELCOME! Pull up a chair and stay awhile......the coffee's on and the door is always open!