Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Something Special For My Skippy Man

Why is there a picture of heart shaped grilled cheese sandwiches, you ask? Well.......I have been joining in on the fun with some sweet friends and Chili Pepper over at her blog, "365 Ways To Say I Love You". Each day we are challenged to show our WONDERFUL HUSBANDS just how much we love and care for them in some fun and/or thought provoking ways.

In one post, we were to bake him a cake in the shape of a heart, or we could come up with something else to make if the cake wasn't an option. So, I decided to make "I LOVE MY SKIPPY MAN" grilled cheese sandwiches, hence the little heart shaped sandwiches! :> )

I am having such a good time participating with the girls and Skippy is just "FEELIN' THE LOOOOVE!"

If you would like to participate, please stop by and become a follower of "365 Ways To Say I Love You". You won't regret, and neither will your hubby! :> )




  1. Awe, that is so sweet. Sounds exciting. Have a wonderful thurs my friend.:)

  2. Hope you are having an awesome day.

  3. That is such an awesome idea and I love the grilled cheese hearts!

  4. That is so awesome. I am going to check it out. Hope your having a great day and your life sounds heavenly.

  5. Laura,

    This is a great post! Glad you are enjoying the fun as much as I am. It has been great to PURPOSE to show my Allen how much he means to me each day and the added blessing I never thought of was getting to know you ladies so much more.

    Love your new look!

    Happy Thursday,

    Art's Chili Pepper

  6. My reply to your new journey coming: :) Get ready for an amazing journey. I am enjoying it but boy does the enemy despise this time. Lol. I didnt understand a few things but I go to thinking and digging deeper and got some answers. I will tell you that I have read the bible bouncing all over but reading it all the way through is an exciting ride, you see things in a different way that you never did before. I am more inspired by reading the stories from the beginning rather then the way I had read before. You are getting the full picture of every story by reading from the beginning vs a small view from reading the stories bouncing around. Truly inspiring. Have a great time on this journey! God Bless you!

  7. awwwwwwww........i'm going over there and read all about it! yay! i'm sure your skippy man was happy to get his grilled cheese. how cute are YOU?

  8. What a great idea...headed over to check out the blog. Thanks!

  9. The problem with your blog, Laura, is that you are always cooking up something yummy and making me hungry…now I want grilled cheese sandwiches! ☺


  10. AWWW, I love the heart shaped grilled cheese sandwiches! Cute idea!


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