Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Addicted. . . . . .

. . . . . .to Molly! My name is Laura, I'm an *OWL*coholic, and I'm not alone. Renee and I, and a bunch of others on facebook, have been following Molly the barn owl and her mate, McGee, watching closely as their 5 precious eggs hatch. So far, there have been two, Max and Patterson, that have emerged from their shells. They are absolutely PRECIOUS!

It is amazing to watch God's beautiful creatures, as this wonderful mama protects, feeds, and loves her babies. Then, each night, daddy provides for his family by bringing home the groceries! lol

Here is BEAUTIFUL Molly, the barn owl!

You can become a fan of Molly's on facebook HERE or you can view here blog HERE!


  1. EEEEGCiting isnt it lol

  2. *Egg*zactly what I was going to say! :> )

  3. ok time for egg puns lol

  4. Posted some on my blog rofl you are gonna have a fit over the ones I found

  5. Oh my gosheee..... I got someone, probably mama, sleeping when I tuned in. And then it was like she was looking at me. I hear them chickees in the background. How cool is this??

  6. Dropping back in to say: Hope you have an awesome day. Thinking about you a lot and wondering when I can head your way for a visit. I am a bit restless, today....just longing to be out in nature. Of course, being out in nature reminds me of your little part of the world. It is one of those places I LOVE to visit. GOD always speaks to me when I am in those beloved Virginia mountains and valleys!
    Hugs, andrea

  7. I know I have been addicted now over a week. Lol. I got the site from a friend and have been since hooked. Lol. Have agreat day.

  8. That is really something to watch.
    Thank you for sharing it with us.

  9. I love these things too - I watched the raising of two eaglets in B.C. one year - it's been YEARS now. :)
    Thanks ... something else to keep me here. ;) LOL!


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