Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Isn't it AMAZING how God takes care of things?

Skippy found out a few months back that his plant would be closing here in VA due to the poultry plant they purified water for, had filed bankruptcy. He has applied at many places and has not been able to find any work here. We have been praying that God will give us direction as to what to do not only for his employment, but about our house as well. We have been severely close to foreclosure, but PTL, the mortgage company has worked with us so that will not happen.

Two weeks ago, his boss called him and told him that they were going to disassemble his plant, ship it to another location, and then rebuild it. They wanted to know if he would be willing to transfer to Alabama and manage the plant there, hence our recent road trip this past weekend to check things out. We still have not had a chance to tell some of our family, so if you are on my facebook friends list, PLEASE don't post anything about our move. THANKS! :> )

God has shown us so many signs that this is the direction He is leading us. His provisions already are amazing:

  • Job: Skippy can transfer with the same company so we don't lose ANY benefits at all or loss of wages.
  • Church: A wonderful church, Grace Life Church of the Shoals, is close by and happens to be the home church of Skippy's favorite preacher, Paul Washer
  • Homeschool: Grace Life Church has a homeschool group, which takes care of all the "cover school" requirements
  • Housing: We are going to TRY and do a quick sale on our house, and I pray that we will not have much trouble with that. We are practically giving it away. While in AL, we met a wonderful man who is going to let us stay at his 3 bedroom home that comes with a 5 horse stable, a cement pond, and a peacock running around loose, on his 15 acre farm, RENT FREE for a year in exchange for helping him with his other rental properties and maintenance on the house. GOD IS SO GOOD!
  • BONUS: He has 18 horses and he is bringing some of them back to the farm so they can be at "home" again. Did I mention he has 18 horses? LOL
  • And not to mention all of the other things that God had already prepared and set in motion way in advance of this job opportunity
I don't think the signs could be any clearer that this is where He IS sending us.

As much as I don't want to go and leave my daughter and son-in-law, our friends, and our home church, but I do know that if we continue to put our faith and trust in God, He will take care of everything, I know that eventually, I will be able to answer the question, "Where do you live?" with a gentle response of....................


  1. I am so happy for you. Larry has been out of work for a yr. and is now waiting to see if he gets his last extension. He has put apps. in everywhere, but no calls. We have even thought about heading to TN. where his folks live. Might even sell our place and start living in an RV. Been doing some serious thinking about it.
    God Bless,

  2. It certainly does seem as if God is clearly marking your path. The peace that comes with seeing His clear direction will surely make this difficult move easier.
    God Bless,


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