Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time Out For Mom

"Blessed be the LORD, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped."
Psalms 28:6-7

Do you wake up in the morning wishing you could just have a few hours or an entire day to yourself? (I know I do!) Imagine the possibilities with that amount of unscheduled time - you could read a book, soak in the tub, actually fold the clean clothes on the couch and put them away, polish your toes, weed the flower bed, window shop, take a friend you haven't seen in months to lunch, or spend a full hour with the Lord in prayer for your loved ones.

Every mother treasures moments for herself when they come, but the problem is that they rarely come on their own. If we want to stay emotionally and spiritually healthy, then we must make taking time for these moments a number one priority. Without them, we shrivel up and die within and each day can become one repetitious day after the next. The Lord Jesus Christ needed timeouts to get through His day (Luke 5:16). Often, He left the disciples and the crowds to be alone and find strength from His Heavenly Father. A wise mom will say no to the false guilt she feels for "stealing" a few hours for herself and learn from Christ's example. Besides, your children will enjoy their contented, happy mom.

Is today your day to rejuvenate and find yourself again? Don't wait for the help to fall from the sky, humble yourself and ask for it. Maybe you can call a close friend or neighbor and ask her if you can trade watching each other's children every other week. Maybe your parents or grandparents have promised to teach your children a new skill and today's the day to call in that promise. If you're homeschooling, maybe you could ask your husband to use half a vacation day and teach the children (don't worry; they'll still learn even if he doesn't teach them the same way as you!) God knows you can't do it all on your own. Trust Him for the right answer to help you take a "TIME OUT" for mom!

Here are a few ways you can allow yourself some private time each day, even if it is only a half hour:

  • Take a long walk
  • Buy a bouquet of flowers for yourself
  • Begin to develop an intimate circle of friends and family
  • Turn off the phone, and allow your answering machine to pick up your calls (having a hard time with this one!) lol
  • Put on your favorite music, turn it up loud, and dance
  • Call your best friend, and settle in with a hot cup of tea, for a good long talk (this is such an EASY one)
  • Snuggle up in bed with a good book (oh, I am so thinking about that right now!) lol
  • Sink into your tub for a long, luxurious soak at the end of the day
  • Indulge in getting (or giving) a massage
  • Snack on your favorite "comfort food" (YES! Time to make some taco soup)
  • Remember how you felt when you fell in love with your partner, and allow yourself to recreate that feeling (we try to every day. . . . .I LOVE MY SKIPPY MAN!)
  • Write a love letter (to your partner, children, parents, friends...)
  • Treat yourself to a manicure and a pedicure
  • Rent a great video
  • Start a gratitude journal, and express your thanks on a daily basis (great idea)
  • Go to the beach. Delight and bask in the warming rays of the sun (can I do this without the sand?) lol
  • Visit your favorite bookstore (you know, the one with comfortable chairs and a coffee shop) and spend the afternoon
Whether you choose something from this list or have some ideas of your own, I hope you are able to find time each day for some quiet time for yourself...........YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!

Father, Take my tired spirit and provide the moments I need to be filled with Your strength. Please send someone during the day that will help support me in whatever way I need. In Jesus' name, Amen.

List of "time out" suggestions for mom is courtesy of iVillage


  1. Hee hee on the picture. Love it! thanks for the list for good tips Laura. Blessings to you dear one.

  2. What great ideas, Laura.
    Love the picture! How cute. :)

  3. This is such a temptation today! It's been such a busy week that I would love to just declare this "no school" day and let everyone have some time to themselves.

    Hmmmm. Gonna think about this for a few minutes!

    Thanks Laura!


  4. Good morning Laura...Such a wonderful posting! Each one of us...no matter what our day is like...needs to take a bit of time to do a little something that we love to do...helping to calm and clear our heads of so many busy thoughts. My season...is a season of quiet...just my husband and myself. I am so thankful for this wonderful time that we can share! I so remember the days running 'to and fro'...being busy with our son! I do miss those days! He and our "daughter" live closeby...of which we are so very grateful! Time goes by so very quickly! Enjoy this first day of autumn...with whatever comes your way! Sweet blessings! ♥ Teri

  5. I need a time out.....
    love you,


WELCOME! Pull up a chair and stay awhile......the coffee's on and the door is always open!