Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Am Blessed

THIS POST. . . . .

My sister has been dealing with Lyme Disease for about 9 months now and it has been a very long battle for her. Being diagnosed after it had taken a good hold of her, her recovery has been slow and very debilitating to say the least. She has been taking anywhere from 10 - 15 pills a day from anti-inflammatories to anti-biotics. She has been in so much pain and on some days, couldn't even make it out of bed.

I remember driving her to Harrisonburg one day for a blood test. On the way there, we were listening to 89.9 WPER, a local Christian radio station. C. turned to me and said, "Where's God now? Why isn't He getting me through this? Why isn't He taking this pain away from me?" She said she still believed that God was there, but had a hard time praising Him anymore. As soon as she said that, before I even had a chance to answer her, this song came on......................

Can you believe that?
God, you are AWESOME!

C. she is doing much better now. She still has days where she hurts greatly, but it doesn't even come close to the pain she HAD been suffering.

On my worst day, I try not to complain and try and remember....it could be so much worse. I thank God for those little aches and pains I have in my life. It reminds me that I am still ALIVE, and for that.......................



  1. Needed this today as I prepare to go for my surgery. Thanks for posting!

  2. Hi Laura,
    Praise God!!! He is so good isn't He? I have so much to be thankful for and He has blessed me beyond measure.
    Glad your sister is doing better and I love the song!
    Do you have the blessing necklace-it is so pretty?
    Enjoy the rest of your week.

  3. That is a beautiful song, Laura. I'm so thankful God is either delivering us from the storms or going through them with us.
    I'm glad your sister is doing better. :)

  4. Such a great testimony Laura! I know how your sister feels, with the pain, and struggling to keep her faith during it. It can be very hard, but it wasn't until I gave it all to HIM, the pain, the frustration, everything, that he started doing amazing things in my life. Is the pain gone....nope. And some days seem unbearable, but I cry out to him, and know he hears me, and will help me get through the day.


  5. I am glad that your sister is doing better and I will keep her in my prayers. That song is AWESOME! Thank you for sharing it.


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