Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane

Come for a walk with me down Memory Lane!

And if you have a "Memory Lane" post, head on over to Scottsville to join in on the fun!
My walk today takes us back quite a few years.

I really wish I knew when this picture was taken, but there was no date stamp on it anywhere.

This is my maternal grandmother. Her name is Fredericka Amelia Walker Harrington, but we called her either Fred-A, or my favorite...... FOXY! :> )

The good Lord blessed me with two of the most wonderful grandmothers anyone could ever hope for. I just pray that I will be as wonderful a grandmother to my grandchildren as both of them were to me. What encouraging, loving, compassionate women they both were!

I love and miss you, Foxy!


  1. What a neat, neat photo!

  2. Lovely lady! & you too!

  3. Thanks, TCKK ~ I just love old photos. There is just something about them!

    Thank you, Bevy....you are too sweet! :> )

  4. OMGosh.......I can't believe I forgot your name, CATHY! :> 0

    That is one name I should NEVER forget....it's my SISTER'S! lol

  5. That is a great old photo, she was sure beautiful!

  6. Wow, she was beautiful on the inside AND OUT!

    Thanks for walking with me today. =0)

  7. Dear Laura,

    How nice! Is this the lady who made the noodles and cheese with cleanser instead of cheese?


  8. LOL! Hope, you have a wonderful memory! Yes, Foxy was the grandmother that tried to kill us! ROFLOL!

    She was an amazing lady!



WELCOME! Pull up a chair and stay awhile......the coffee's on and the door is always open!