Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sugar Cookie Cake

I am re-posting this recipe for Sugar Cookie Cake from last July, per a request from one of my best buds, Deb.
Here you go girl...this is for
YOU! :> )

I found this recipe last year for Sugar Cookie Cake. When I read the ingredients, I knew I just HAD to make it. It is really easy and I just love that it has fresh, sweetened fruit in it. I used the blueberries we just picked last Saturday....OM"Goodness!" Don't you just wish you could reach into your monitor and take a bite? Mmmmmm....so delicious!

I made it again this afternoon and we had it for dessert tonight with Goose and Tang at our weekly family dinner. After Tang ate his and brought his plate into the kitchen he said, "You can never have too much of THAT!" For him to say that about something is far and few between. What an awesome compliment from my son-in-law! :> )

I hope you get a chance to make this dessert for the 4th.............you won't be disappointed! To enlarge the recipe, just click on the picture.



  1. Laura,

    This looks beautiful and delicious.


  2. This sounds delicious, thank you.

  3. That looks so very delicious!!
    Thank you for sharing the recipe. :)

  4. Hi Laura,
    This looks so yummy and I will certainly be trying this recipe! Thank you for sharing.
    Have a great day!


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