Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Cleaning Out

There is so much to do around here before Bean and my in-laws move in at the end of August. Bedrooms to clean, things to be moved, and the list goes on. Right now I am working on my laundry closet. I don't have a laundry room, but a closet of sorts in my kitchen. Thank goodness there are doors on it so I can close it up. That, however, has been my problem. Rather than clean it up, I have been bad about just closing the doors..........POOF...........it's gone!

Well, yesterday, I was doing laundry and it finally hit me what the closet looked like. I mean it REALLY hit me.....BLECH! This just can not be and action must be taken NOW! lol I took a "before" picture, and when I am done, I will take an "after" pic and post them both. I didn't want to post the before pic now, because I know some of you have just eaten breakfast!

Today's plans are to continue in my laundry closet so I can check that off my list. I will not stop until it is DONE! There are the other daily things on my "To Do List" as well, but for right now, this is on the top.

So, that is what I am doing today. Little Gena wants to know what you'll be doing?

"Lord God, while I am cleaning out my home, please show me the things that are not pleasing to you! Amen."


  1. Laura,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your comments. I know what you mean about the laundry closet. Its hard to see things with a strangers eye. I actually took everything off my fridge and cleaned off the top and scrubbed like crazy. A magic eraser helped and wah lah. It almost looks new. We are trying to sell our house and its important to get the clutter that I see everyday and am just used to, cleaned up. I will bookmark your blog and read and catch up and learn about you.

  2. Quite an accomplishment. I wish I had the drive. One day praying. Blessings to you Laura.

  3. AnonymousJuly 03, 2010

    Ahh, I know that feeling well Laura! My laundry area is actually a back room off the bathroom, and it seems to be a catchall spot. Need to tackle it soon! It is driving me nuts lol!

  4. AnonymousJuly 03, 2010

    I do not have long distnace on my house phone any more....

  5. Hi Laura,
    Will be keeping you in prayer as you go about your de-clutter and preparations. My how I need to get to some de-cluttering done too. I know how easy it is to just shut the door and it trul is gone!!! For now!!!....lo
    Enjoy your July 4th and time with family.
    Blessings and hugs

  6. We just refinished our living & dining room floors and painted so we've been in a mess for a while.

    I still have boxes to unpack & get things back in their places or get rid of it.

    Take care as you prepare,


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