Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention

I have needed a clothesline since we moved here, but the trees are either too far apart or not far enough apart.  So yesterday......I came up with a solution to my problem..................
Kiddo and I found two of the longest branches we could find and placed them across both ends of the deck.  Hey, you do whatcha gotta do, right?  LOL  I couldn't wait till Skippy got home so I could see the look on his face when he saw our homemade clothesline.....I just know he'd love it!   :D


  1. Very ingenious!


  2. Love it! I wish I had a clothes line, too.

  3. Just what I suspected! I left you a comment from my phone yesterday and the experiment failed! I don't know why I can not seem to make that work.

    Anyway, I love this idea. You are such a hoot! Good job problem solving. ☺

    I am betting you and your laundry are loving this great weather as much as we are.



  4. Well did he LIKE it? :) Inquiring minds and all that. :) LOL!

  5. looks like something we'd create around here! it's free and serves it's purpose!!! :D


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