Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pantry Curtains

Yesterday, I was FINALLY able to sit down and make a set of curtains to cover up my pantry closet in the kitchen. I got so tired of moving and replacing the doors every time I needed something, that I put everything else on hold and just sat down and made them. How did the door come off, you ask? To read my original post, please click HERE!

These curtains were easy to make and were inexpensive. I used two twin, flat sheets from Wal-Mart ($4.00 each) for the curtains themselves. . . .

and a set of old curtains I found at a yard sale last year ($1.00) that I took apart and used for the valance. Total cost: $9.00. Can I get a WOOT WOOT! :> )

FOR THE CURTAINS, all I did was hold the sheets up to my closet, and pinned them at the width I wanted. Make sure your seams on both sides are facing the same direction, on the backside! I then sewed right down the side, cutting off the extra near the seam, being careful not to cut through the stitching. Since the sheets already have finished edges, I only needed to sew the one side.

Next, I just folded down the band at the top of the sheet, making sure I folded it to the WRONG SIDE and sewed it all the way across. I think I used a 1/4 inch seam allowance. After your two panels are sewn, hang them up and pin across the bottom at the length you want them to be, iron, and then sew your seam along the bottom.

FOR THE VALANCE, I had to use my brain a little bit more! lol After I cut my yard sale curtains apart, I had a pretty good size piece left that didn't have any whole, snags, etc. I cut my material about 4 inches wider than the width of my curtains to give myself some extra handling room. I then folded the top of my material down 6 1/2 inches and pinned all the way across, then cutting about a 1/4 inch below my pinning. I then repeated this process for my second panel. The dimensions here will vary, depending upon how long you want YOUR valance to be.

When sewing across the bottom where I pinned, I used a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Do this for both valances. You should now have two (2) tubes, both inside out (wrong sides together). Turn your tubes so the right sides are now outside. Iron both tubes, keeping your seam at the top. Lay your valance across the top of your first panel, leaving an overlap on each end. Measure and pin where you will need to fold your valance UNDER, to make it even with the edge of your curtain. (NOTE: You are not sewing the valance to the curtain yet, but will be sewing it to itself, making a finished edge.) Sew the edge with a 1/4 inch seam allowance, then cut off your extra material near your seam. Once you have done that, pin your valance onto your curtain. I wanted a little bit of a decorative top, so I brought my valance down an inch all the way across, but you can come down as much or a little as you want. You don't even have to have a decorative border across the top....your choice!

Now sew your valance to your curtain, repeating for both panels and. . . . .

VOILA....you have curtains!

I hope this was helpful to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Now, on to my bedroom curtains! :> )



  1. What a great idea. They came out perfect.

  2. Thank you, Debby! I am very pleased at how they turned out. Now it's on to the bedroom curtains! :> )

  3. Very nice Laura. I do not sew. Thank you for your recent comments to me as well. Blessings.

  4. Beautiful! I use sheets for a lot of things that I make. It's so much cheaper than buying fabric! Your curtain looks great! The valance made a nice touch!

  5. Wow - very pretty. I love the colors. :) God bless you! You are SEW talented .... LOL!

  6. Those are darling! You did a great job. I rarely sew anymore, unless it's to mend, which I put off until I can't live without the garment one more minute!

  7. They turned out very nice! The valance is a perfect touch.

  8. That is a great idea and they turned out beautiful!

  9. In response to your question about the fonts on my blog sweet Laura: - it's brand new under DESIGN then 'Advanced' - you know how you have the usual - Arial, Courier etc. well run that slider down and voila - there's a TON of new fonts. The one here is called "Coming Soon" I don't know what that means - but I like it's whimsicalness. ;)
    God bless! I hope you have fun with it.

  10. Those are so pretty! Excellent job!

  11. Wow, they look awesome!

  12. Very pretty! I think we have the same taste, that's the same color sheets I used to make my kitchen curtains. Sheets are great to use for so many things. I've been thinking about using them to make skirts. Thanks for sharing, I'll have to put up photos of my curtains, come by and take a peek.
    God Bless.


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