Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fabric Pouches

This past week I have been making a few fabric pouches. They are so CUTE AND EASY to make.

The directions I originally found were difficult to understand so I threw them out, looked at the pictures, and made a pattern of my own. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to change the dimensions and make them whatever size you want!

I am going to TRY and make a tutorial that I can share with you. It will more than likely be in picture form since I don't have the software to make a slide-show.

Have any of you been working on any sewing projects lately? I'd love to see them!


  1. You are very talented, these are very cute. I can sew but it is very limited....

  2. Hi, Pat!

    These are so easy, I know you'll be able to make these! :> )


  3. Did you see the things I've been making? They'll be on my blog in the next few days - ceramics and EVEN crocheting and I'm sewing a skirt for my daughter. :)

    Hey Laura - thanks for not forgetting about me. You are the BEST friend!
    God bless you!
    p.s. I miss you too!

  4. Laura, they look lovely. I love crafty things. Sometimes I think crafting is an obsession. When I get an idea in my mind I can't sleep until I try it out, I'm sure you understand. I'll have to post more about crafting, look forward to seeing more of yours. I wanted to say, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, it's nice to know that someone reads what you post. You have been a very kind blogging friend. God Bless.

  5. Laura,

    These are adorable... what are you going to use them for? I haven't done much sewing this year... Kaitlin is doing a lot these days, though. But I miss the feeling of starting with nothing and finishing a project.




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