Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Monday, July 30, 2012

We Had A Visitor

We had a visitor yesterday morning.  They were very smart, lurking around until AFTER Skippy had left for work.  I didn't see what it was.....but I have a feeling it was a raccoon. I had no idea how strong and determined these little buggers can be.

It came through the screen here, and dragged a bag of 
garbage back out through the window........
and made a mess.

Then my hero returns and fixes both windows....WOO HOO!
My Skippy Man to the rescue!  :D


  1. Laura..
    I think you must be right... it looks like the kind of damage that a racoon would make.

    Our neighbors recently had problems with racoons getting into their house.

    Hope they stay away now!!

  2. Good morning, Kerin~

    The raccoons got into their HOUSE? YIKES! That would not be good...I don't think our house-sitter would appreciate it! ROFLOL!


  3. Wow, they really made a mess. Are you sure it wasn't a herd or a pack, or a gang of raccoon?
    I had no idea they were that strong. yikes..
    Glad it's all fixed now.

  4. Hi Laura,

    It is so nice that you have such a great guy around who gets things right back to order.

    :) Hope


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