Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Storage In A Small Bathroom

We moved here to the holler back in February from a big five bedroom house with two full baths to a small three bedroom cottage with only one.  I keep my blow dryer and my flat-iron on the shelf on my dresser so that when I get out of the shower, I can do my hair in my bedroom.  I previously had my own bathroom (no one liked to use it because the shower was small)  so having to share it with 2 men now takes some getting used to on my part, but I am getting there.

Another issue of having a small bathroom is storage space.  Underneath the sink, I have a wicker basket where I keep the clippers, lotion, the electric razor, dog shampoos, and some odds & ends.   There are three small drawers down the right side.  The top drawer holds hair items; brushes & combs, pony tail holders, hair spray, bobby-pins, nail polish, etc.  The middle one has band-aids, foil packs of allergy and cold medicine, TUMS, cough drops, and dental floss.  The bottom drawer holds disposable razors, cottons swabs, and nail clippers.

We don't have a lot of storage space in our house, so I am having to find ways to be able to keep what we need for each particular room, IN that room.  With the space under the sink being so small, I have to store the tissue paper and paper towels, right along side the toilet, along with my scale.  They fit nicely in the little alcove, and they aren't visible from the door.  On the top is a basket that holds My Skippy Man's medicine and a cute little burgundy AVON bottle that belonged to my mom.

 We don't have a closet in here, so I have taken the towels and put them in one of the wicker laundry baskets. I have to fold them a certain in order to make them fit, but as you can see, there is even enough room in there for even a couple of Mother Earth News magazines.

We had been looking for an over-the-toilet rack with some shelves but have not been successful in finding one that we liked nor could afford.  I was out at a yard sale with my sister one Saturday, where I found this cute little white cabinet.  The floor is uneven so I have to put a pony-tail holder around the knobs.  The doors are held closed with magnets, but the one on the right is missing.  That is an easy fix. 


It is just about 2 feet wide but is only about 6 inches in deep, making it the perfect size to fit right up against the wall.  As you can see, it holds a lot of things.  This is where I keep all my medicine, deodorant, wash cloths, latex gloves I use for my chickens, flush-able wipes for when we have little ones over, hand towels, body spray, and body wash. 

Behind the door, we have a three-rack attachment that connect that you have to take the door off to attach, but it gives us a place to put our pj's and robs.  I FrEeZe when the a/c is on, so I keep my grey hoodie jacket close by!  lol

If you have a small space and would like to share your storage ideas, please leave a link directing us back to your post so we can come by and see what you've done! 


  1. Looks like you've done a great job with your space saving ideas. I really love that cabinet. It's sooo cute.

  2. Hi there, Great ideas for organizing such a small bathroom. I love the cabinet, the laundry basket with towels and all your touches. Thanks for sharing.

  3. AnonymousJuly 19, 2012

    Hi Laura,

    You have your small bathroom nicely organized.

    We also have a three bedroom house. The boys share a room and the girls share a room.

    Thankfully we DO have two bathrooms in our cute small cottage home.

    The funny thing is, we really do not have a back door. We have a door going out to the garage from the kitchen, but the kitchen is in the front of the house...and that is the only way to get to the back yard from inside...through the garage. Strange layout - it was more difficult when the children were younger not having a back door. But I DO have TWO bathrooms! It is not such a bad tradeoff.



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