Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

How To Make Your Large T-shirt Fit Again

I got to spend part of yesterday with my sweet daughter, Goose.  This doesn't happen that often anymore as she is so busy with her counseling job, so I am so thrilled when I do get to spend ANY amount of time with her.

She and Tang are going to an Atlanta Braves game this evening so yesterday, she brought over a t-shirt that she wanted wear.  Unfortunately, it was way too big on her.  She said she saw a post on Pinterest that explained how to do it.  o we took a look, and found it to be EASY PEASY!  If you would like to view that post, please click HERE!

Here is a pic of Goose in her BEFORE pic.  Notice the look on her face....not happy, and that makes this mamma sad!  :> (

The first thing we did was lay down a t-shirt that does fit, on top of the t-shirt we wanted to alter, making sure to have it centered.  Because there is a design on the front, I centered it, pinned it, then turned it back the right way to make sure I had the design right where she wanted it.

Next, I traced down the sides and took the mark for the sleeves straight out.  I will measure the length of the sleeves later so I can measure where to hem them. Time to sew a new seam over my tracing lines.  I used a black Sharpie marker as I did not have a washable marking pencil.  It is marked on the inside of the shirt and since it is navy blue, it won't show up.

After sewing a seam, I cut off the extra fabric about a quarter inch from the seam.

After I sewed the new seams and trimmed the extra fabric, I had her try the shirt on again so I could pin where she wanted the length of the sleeves to be.  I only pinned and marked and cut on one side........

then I folded the t-shirt in half and lined up the sleeves with the top of the collar so I could make sure I had both sleeves the sames length, then I cut them both to match.

After that, it was one more try on.  She wasn't happy with the length, so we shorted it up and made a new hem.  I got it to the length she wanted, then I pinned it a quarter inch longer all the way around so I could sew it with a quarter inch seam allowance. 

And here is Goose in her AFTER shot.  She LOVES her new old t-shirt!   And that makes this mamma.....



  1. Laura,

    Thank you so much for this tutorial! I have a huge problem finding t-shirts to fit me. I am seriously short at 5 feet 2 inches and very short waisted. I just got two shirts in the mail yesterday and they almost come to my knees! Not very flattering for someone my size. I asked my girls today if we could try serging the ends of them to a better length but I was thinking what if it ends up a disaster... which of course is silly, because what do I have to lose? They would just end up on the ever growing stack of shirts I don't wear because they make me look like a bag lady. You have given me the courage to go for it. Now as soon as I can unbury the sewing stuff I am going to town, so to speak.

    Hugs dear one,


  2. I was wondering if you eased in the sides at all and if so how did you do it?

  3. Hi, Kat~

    I actually went straight down the sides but came out a little bit on the bottom as Goose doesn't like her shirts to be too snug at her hips. I took it in 2 onches on both sides and then when I got down towards the bottom, I marked off a 1/2 inch, then hand-drew a curve to connect my markings. I hope that helps.

    Good luck with your t-shirts........I know YOU CAN DO IT! :-)


  4. My sewing machine and I have a date! Thank you for the detailed tutorial. Aren't daughters the bestest of friends?

  5. How cool is that. It came out great!

  6. Oh my, I have quite a few t-shirts that are too big ... and now I have a fix! Thanks for sharing that!!

  7. I pulled out a couple of tshirts to try this with. The girls and I are really excited. Now to dig out the machine. Ha.

  8. Laura, we did it! Yesterday we pulled out several of my too long shirts and we fitted them. We just serged the hem instead of turning it up because they are just casual and the curl from it came out really cute. Thanks for the inspiration.




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