Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Please Pray

Today we have to make a big decision. Would you please pray with us that God will give us clear direction, and give us the discernment we need to see and understand His will for us. But most importantly, that we be obedient and follow wherever it is He leads us!

Thank you for your prayers, my friends!!


  1. I will be praying for you, Laura. ♥

  2. Laura, Praying for you. God BLess

  3. Sorry just seeing this but praying God gave you a clear view.

  4. Lifting you up in prayer....

  5. I am sorry that I missed this post yesterday, Laura.

    I know that the Lord guides those who seek His direction.

    God bless you.

  6. sorry i missed this prayer request but the Lord will honor your heart to listen and obey Him!!! :D


WELCOME! Pull up a chair and stay awhile......the coffee's on and the door is always open!