Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Babies Are Growin' Up

A few months ago, our three precious New Hampshire Red babies went to live with their Aunt C. I was heartbroken when they left, but I knew they were going to a home just as loving as ours was.

Since I was over yesterday crafty with my sister, I just HAD to go out and get a couple of pics of the babies so you could see how they were doing. Well, as you can see, they are growing by leaps and bounds and are growing up into very handsome roosters and a beautiful future hen.   As you can see, they love my sister.....and you'll see just how much when you get to the last pic!  :> )

C. with Nugget
Me with General Tso
Little Miss Melody - out of view is her
sweetheart, Gregory PECK!  lol
The Gang - Gregory Peck, Miss Melody's sweetheart,
is the white rooster all the way to the left

Don't you just LOVE this pic?  She loves them
and they love her!

I am so glad that my babies are happy in their new home....I didn't expect anything different!


  1. Aww beautiful chooks! And love what you have done with the blog, looks amazing.

    Hope you and the family have an amazing New Year!!:)

  2. That is a great picture!
    I am glad your little chickens are doing well!

  3. They are beautiful!
    Happy New Year....


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