Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday

Good morning! This is my first time participating in "Post It Note Tuesday" and I'm EGG-cited! I'm joining in today with Debby over at "Just Breathe" and a a bunch of other wonderful ladies. If you're interested, head on over and link up!

That One Mom

Monday, August 30, 2010

Flourless Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe

I found this flourless cookie recipe the other day on "Just A Pinch Recipe Club" and I just HAD to try it. It is a very simple recipe and only takes a few minutes to put together. And the best part is....they taste good! :> )

For this recipe you will need:

1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
1 egg (my eggs are still small so I used two)

Combine sugar and peanut butter. Mix in egg. Spoon onto lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350*F for 8 - 10 minutes

Skippy and I really liked this recipe. I will definitely be making these again!

What A Weekend

I wish I knew the right words to use to describe this weekend at the Beth Moore conference in Richmond. Let me tell you, this lady NEVER disappoints! She is truly a woman of God with a passionate love for Christ!

We left on Friday afternoon by bus, and arrived in Richmond around 3:45 - 4:00. We had a little more than an hour to unload and relax for a bit.........

before heading down to the hotel restaurant for a past buffet dinner with my roomies, G-Girl and Blondie. We had such a blast rooming together....well, at least G-Girl and I did, Blondie zonked out early. G-Girl and I were up till after 2:00 laughing so hard, we couldn't breathe. Gotta love your girlfriends!

Then it was off to an evening of Praise & Worship withTravis Cottrell...........

and Beth Moore.

"There's no better place to be than on your knees before God!"

There were over 9,000 women in attendance. When all of these woman sang together acapella......talk about a heavenly choir. WOW!

I was blessed to have been sitting between two of those angelic voices; one was G-Girl, and the other was..............................
my sweet friend Andrea, from Arise2Write. I am so glad that she was able to join us this weekend. Thank you, Andrea, for coming with us. You are AWESOME!

I am already looking forward to our next Women's Weekend in April. Anyone interested?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Heading Out

I am heading out in a just a few minutes and will be gone for 2 days. I am so EXCITED! Breakfast with a close friend, two days with my sisters in Christ, and a Beth Moore conference. It doesn't get any better than this! :> )

Have a great weekend, everyone! I'll see you Sunday!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What I'm Working On

My friend, G-Girl and I, are making these prayer journals for our Bible Study group that starts tomorrow evening. We are doing "Get Off Your Knees And Pray" by Sheila Walsh, so we decided to embroider the title on the front. I think they came out nice. I hope they like them!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kiddo Update

I would first like to thank all of you for your prayers that were lifted up on behalf of Kiddo and our family. They are so greatly appreciated.


Monday morning, Kiddo and I were up at 5:30, getting showered and ready to go to his cardiac appointment at UVA at 9:10. We live a good distance away, so we had to be ready to go be 7:00 am.

After we arrived at the office, they started doing tests immediately. The first one was an EKG, which they did right there in our room. This was his second one. The first was done in our doctor's office a few weeks ago.

Then it was off down the hall for an echocardiogram. Kiddo loved this part, because he got to walk down the hall without his shirt on! lol

Then back to our room to wait for the doctor. When he came in, he looked at Kiddo and said, "I know what's wrong with you and so do you, right?" Kiddo said, "Yup....nothing!" lol

The doctor told us that he didn't see anything on either test, and that everything looked great. However, he did want him to wear a holter monitor so he could see what his heart was doing while he was sleeping, but he said he didn't expect to find anything different on that either.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Please Keep Us In Your Prayers

"God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a calm, well balanced mind!"
II Timothy 1:7

This morning, I will be taking Kiddo to UVA to meet with the Pediatric Cardiologist. A few weeks ago, I took him for his yearly check up with the Brain Injury Clinic and wound up having to take him to our family physician because of a decreasing heart rate. (to see story, click HERE!)

Please keep us in your prayers that all will go well. I am not exactly sure all that will be going on today, but as I have mentioned before, I have a complete peace about this. I know my Heavenly Father is the Great Physician and is IN COMPLETE CONTROL!

Thank you for your prayers, sweet friends!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Deployment Day

"I will say of the Lord, He is refuge and my fortress; my God; in Him I will trust thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;Because He hath set His love upon me; therefore will I be with Him in trouble will deliver Him and honor Him."
Psalm 91:2

Dear Precious Heavenly Father, today I pray your continued guidance and blessing on our son-in-law Tex, and all those who have been deployed this morning, as well as those who are already on active duty, serving our country in the military. We thank you for their leadership, their skills and their determination. Keep them ever under your protection as they move through places of danger.

Thank you for their teamwork Father, as they work together as a unit. Grant them rest and refreshment daily and the strength of knowing that we are eternally grateful for their service to us all. Please bring them all safely home again. In Christ's name we pray, Amen.

Thank you for your courage and for all the sacrifices you are making to protect and defend our country, Tex. May God bless you every day, and ALWAYS bring you safely home!

My son-in-law....My soldier....My Hero!

Friday, August 20, 2010

In This Life

My precious Skippy Man, I thank God everyday that......

In this life, I was loved by you!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for the noise coming from the family room because it means that my son is alive and healthy. When he was born 16 years ago, the outlook was bleak, but PRAISE GOD, my Father is the Great Physician and my precious son is here with us now.

I am thankful for my praying friends because no matter what I am in need of, they will pray for me and others!

I am thankful for the pile of dirty work clothes my husband has because it means that he is employed!

I am thankful for the dirty dishes in my sink because it means that we have food to eat and we are not hungry.

I am thankful for having to order curriculum and do lesson plans, because it means that I live in a country where I am able to homeschool my children and teach them according to Biblical principle.

I am thankful for my precious pug, Pheobe, because no matter how bad my day has gone or how much of a grouchy mood I am in, or no matter how many mistakes I have made throughout the day, she is always there with her cute little pig curled tail and precious little snort and puppy dog kisses, making all the yuckies of my day just disappear!

What are YOU thankful for?

Please Pray With Me

I have heard from so many of my friends this week that they are in need of prayer. Please join me in lifting them up.....God knows their requests!

Dear Heavenly Father.....I lift my sweet friends up to you this afternoon. You know their needs, Lord. You know the who, what, where, when, and hows, Lord, of whatever it is that they are going through. You are there, Father, through every wonderful moment and every sad moment. Through the storms in their lives, but also in the calm of it all as well. Please touch their hearts and be with them in whatever way they need, sweet Father, whether spiritually, physically, emotionally, or financially. We know that you will be there to guide and comfort them, love them and strengthen them. You are the great I Am, and all things are possible through You!

I ask this all in Your precious, Holy name.....AMEN!

Biblical Humor

To see The Top Ten Reasons Eve Was Created, please click HERE! I love the #1 reason! lol

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What God Looks Like

A kindergarten teacher was walking around observing her classroom of children while they were drawing pictures. As she got to one girl who was working diligently, she asked, "What is that you are drawing?"

The girl replied, "I'm drawing God."

The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like."

Without looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Here I Am

We have had some internet issues for the past 4 days. Apparently the phone company frowns upon forgetting to pay your bill and will shut off your service. Can you believe it?


I hope you have all been doing well!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, My Skippy Man

“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything!”
Ephesians 5:22-24

Photo Albums at WiddlyTinks.com

How do I begin to tell you how honored I am
To have you in my life?
I'll start by saying it was a dream come true
The day I became your wife.

You're my best friend in the good times
And my rock in times of sorrow.
You're the reason for sweet yesterdays
And my promise for tomorrow.

I never thought I could feel this loved
Until I became your wife.
You made this year and each other year
The best of my life!


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wha'ts Happenin'

Today we are getting ready for a surprise party for Skippy and Tex. I am just finishing up with the buffalo chicken dip and then all the food will be done and ready to eat. Then all I have to do is vacuum the family room and we are ready to partaaaay! lol After that, we will be able to put up our feet and relax until everyone gets here.


Thank you, Lord, for giving us the determination to get everything done ON TIME!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thankful Thursday

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!”
Psalm 100:4

This week I am thankful for my daughter, Bean. She has been such a big help to me getting things ready for Skippy and Tex's surprise birthday party tomorrow. (I don't have to worry about Skippy finding out, he doesn't have time to read my blog!) lol

She has been helping me paint, move furniture, and cut down overgrown brush in the backyard. THANK YOU, BEAN....You are AWESOME!

I am thankful for my sight and hearing. What a blessing it is to be able to see my children and hear them laugh. PRECIOUS!

I am thankful for
the young man next door. He and Kiddo have struck up a friendship and have been playing outside everyday. While I am getting things picked up inside, they are playing video games and popcorn, but will be going out while I mow the yard. He is such a sweetie and I thank God they have become good friends.

I am VERY thankful that My Skippy Man has a job. It is almost impossible to find a job in our area so even though he is not to fond of his job, PRAISE GOD he has one. I sometimes don't like the CRAZY hours he works, and it doesn't give us a lot of extra time to spend together, but I know this is where God wants/needs him to be right now.

What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Goodbye, Purple

About 9 years ago, I wanted to paint our bedroom. I wanted Victorian Garnet and Skippy wanted purple. I WON! Then we painted our family room. I wanted a tan color and Skippy wanted purple. I WON! Next was the living room. I wanted eggshell and he wanted....purple. Again, I WON! But then, it was time to repaint the bathroom. I wanted sage green and Skippy wanted purple. As you can see from the next few pics........SKIPPY WON! lol

I have to say at first that I liked it. We had a pretty dragonfly shower curtain with matching shower hooks and bath mat. I accessorized with purple and tan towels that
matched the curtain.

But after awhile, I could no longer see
the dragonflies.
All I could see when I stepped into the bathroom was BARNEY! NOOOOO! lol

I was very thankful that Bean helped me. Even though she only painted a little bit before she ditched me to celebrate her husband's birthday with him. Sheesh.....what's up with that? lol

For my birthday back in February, my sister surprised me with a box full of things for when I painted the bathroom. She was so sweet and gave me a bath
room set in my favorite theme. . . . . OUTHOUSES!

The last time we redid the bathroom it took a few days. Thank the Lord, this time, it has only taken one day so far. All that's left to do is the wood floor! WOO HOO!

I do have to say, that even though I detest painting......I am so glad I did it. I am really happy with the results!