Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Computer Doctor

As you know, my friend Renee from over at "GLOW ACADEMY" was nice enough to come on yesterday and let you know that our computer crashed. THANK YOU, GOOBER!  Skippy went to use the computer to do his paperwork and . . . . . AAAACCCCKKKK!. . . . .right there, in the middle of the screen was a HUGE BOX that said, "CRITICAL HARD-DRIVE ERROR" and EVERYTHING was gone. There was nothing on the desktop, no files, ZIP . . . NADA . . . ZILCH!   All his files, my homeschool files, and family pictures, were on that hard-drive.  (insert frustrated husband with a mean scowl here!)

Skippy was a bit ticked, to say the least.  There was not a whole lot I could say at that moment, but I could do something.......I PRAYED! 

Dear, Father. . . You know how hard this precious man works, and that all his files from the past years are here, Lord..  You know that my school files are there and precious family pictures that can not be replaced.  Sweet Lord, you know that at this time, we are financially unable to have the computer looked at or worked on. So please, Father....PLEASE, let Skippy be able to fix our computer.  And if it is not able to be fixed, PLEASE give him a peace about this whole issue!  In Your sweet name I pray....AMEN!

Well, as you can see. . . . . GOD ANSWERED OUR PRAYERS and we're back on-line!



  1. WOO HOO!!!!
    Glad to see ya back on the interweb, Sweetie!
    Missed ya!

  2. Get yourself a hard drive and back up your computer!! They aren't very expensive these days. =)

  3. Oh, been there, done that...It's not pretty...=)

  4. One more...Good to see you back....

  5. So glad to see you on-line again! ♥


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