Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Busy Day

What a busy day! Laundry, dishes, hanging out the blankets, cleaning up, and then outside work.  We have gotten a LOT of rain here lately and it has just made the grass take off!   So, it is off to get the yard equipment ready to go.  While the garden tractor is charging up, I need to weed whack around the raised beds and the house.   I hope that I can hang the clothesline back up tight enough that the clothes won't drag on the ground again.  That just defeats the whole purpose of washing them!  lol

After that, it's time to clean out the girl's coop again.  I do that every couple of months.  Especially now that it's getting warmer and their coop is so close to the house.  But I have to say, there is NOTHING like walking outside in the morning, gathering fresh eggs, and taking them right into your kitchen and making an omelet....YUUMM!! :> )

Then it's off to finish up with the tractor and get the lawn started.  I love to be outside mowing the lawn listening to Phillips, Craig, & Dean while just basking in the beauty of God's creation!

Later this evening is Bible Study.  We just started "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman" by Beth Moore and it is just amazing!  I am really enjoying it!  I don't think I've ever seen Beth so fired up about a study before as she is with this one!  :> )

I was over reading "Abundantly Blessed Momma" a couple of weeks ago and she had a recipe for dandelion jelly and violet jelly that I am just dying to try.  Since my yard is FILLED with dandelions right now, I may pick and try and make this recipe sometime today. If not today, I know I won't have any trouble finding dandelions in my yard again!  lol  This happy momma has a beautiful blog.  Please go on over and pay her a visit....you won't be disappointed!

I thought I would leave you today with a picture I took yesterday, down by my sister's house.  It is so peaceful....tranquil. It reminds me that no matter who busy our day may be, we need to take time to just sit and rest.  Every time I go to this spot or look at this picture, one scripture keeps coming to mind.....

"Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10


  1. You have a lovely award at my blog - come and get it. :) Love you!

  2. Hi Laura, thanks for the sweet words about my blog. It's so nice to get to know wonderful women like you on the internet. Even though we have never met in person, I think of you often(such as when I see a good yard sale) I even tell my mom what's going on with you and your family just like we are old friends. You have such a warm and caring spirit and I'm so glad our paths have crossed on here and if I never meet you face to face down here I know I'll see you up there. God Bless P.S. did you try the jelly?

  3. What a beautiful tranquil photo!!

  4. I have always loved that verse!!!


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