Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

My New Morning Routine

I have been getting up early to start my day off with some quiet time with the Lord and write in my War Binder. I also started doing scripture writing and jotting down things I am grateful for daily.

At the moment my War Binder contains inserts for:

*Sermons notes
*Prayer requests and PRAISES
*Scripture Writing lists
*Scripture Writing
*Quotes & Notes
*Skippy 😍 - letters & prayers for my husband
*A monthly calendar for daily cleaning schedule & other chores
*A 2-pocket folder
*Plastic pocket for stamps

I have inserts for but have not yet tabbed:

*My Quiver
*Bible Study/Life Group
*Daily Devotionals

I am also determined to not pick up my phone in the morning until I'm finished with my quiet time, making sure the most important priority on my list is done first every day!
 Do you have a War Binder/Faith Journal? Please share it with us if you do by commenting with a link to your blog post of your binder!

1 comment:

  1. A perfect way to begin each day.
    I do journaling and scripture study, and it really is the best way to prepare for the coming day.
    My sweet husband and I have morning prayer together and that sets the tone in our home and for our day :)

    Smiles :)


WELCOME! Pull up a chair and stay awhile......the coffee's on and the door is always open!