Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Monday, November 26, 2012

We have been trying to put up some of our CHRISTmas decorations today.  We were able to get the tree up last night before Skippy went to bed.  We decided not to put up too much as our home is very small.  We had to do some moving of furniture and put things where they don't look that good, but it's only for a short time so I am ok with it. 

I took a short break this morning to enjoy a hot cup of tea and some chocolate chip cakies I made over Thanksgiving.  (recipe to follow)  It was cold here this morning, 32* degrees when I woke up, but is almost 60* now, however, it doesn't feel like it at all.

So, how is your holiday decorating coming along?


  1. The tree looks lovely and happy.

    We decorated the day after Thanksgiving. I still have more decorating that I want to do, although most of it is up.

    :) Hope

  2. Hi Laura..
    Your tree is beautiful!

    We too have a small house, and it really is a change having a big ol' tree taking up floor space... but the twinkling lights, and the feeling of Christmas that the tree provides is worth it.

    I put a wreath on the old granary, and I will put a wreath on the barn too.
    Just a bit more decorating to do.....

    Smiles :)

  3. Ooooo Laura, lovely. Blessings.


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