Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Monday, December 17, 2012

How Time Flies

I can't believe that it is already the 17th of December. Where does the time go?   It really hasn't felt like December around here.  The weather has been so CrAzY.  One day it's in the 70's then in the 40's the next.  My poor body is in a constant state of confusion!  lol

Today has been a slow day so far for me.  I must have been exhausted because I slept just over 12 hours, not waking till 10:30 this morning.  I ate breakfast and since then, can not seem to get motivated.  I have been trying to do some crafting but it has taken me forEVER to do one simple thing.  Hmm......not sure what gives.

I am working on some Christmas gifts so I can't post any pics or directions.  I did that last year since me family never read my blog, only to find out that Bean had just started reading it and saw my post on her gift!  ROFLOL!  Good thing she liked those personalized coasters!!  lol
Can you find Rascal?  LOL

We didn't do much decorating this year as the house is so small.  Just the tree, the entertainment center, and garland wrapped with lights on the front porch.  Oh, and two small candle holders that belonged to my mom on the dining room table.    Tear down is going to be a breeze!  lol

Blessings to all for a very wonderful and productive day! :D

Oh, BTW.....does anyone know why only three posts are showing up now?  Or how to get my edit button back to change my header?  I can't seem to get away from the eggs! lol


  1. It has been so hard to find that Christmas spirit this year. Don't know why. We did small decorating this year too and yes the prospect of the take down is so much less daunting. Working on some gifts myself over here too. Hoping to finish up by weeks end.

    @ 3Beeze Homestead

  2. We aren't feeling much in the Christmas spirit here either. The weather definitely has a bit of an effect for us, since we are not used to 70's in December lol.

    Just take it easy, and listen to your body :) Love you!

  3. Hope you feel better soon, and get energy back. I know how it feels to just not have any get up and go. A lot of folks around here are also talking about just not getting in the decorating mood this year, don't know whats going on, but it seems to be everywhere.

  4. Header look for
    Pound sign,header and {
    it should be there

  5. Your decorations look lovely. Are you in the newer system of blogger?
    Go into layout for your header unless you do things in html, can't help you with that.

  6. Try refreshing you page sweetie


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