Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Greetings and salutation from the farm in the holler!  Things here have been busy to say the least, but the end is in sight.  Not too many boxes left to unpack here and just a little more work at the old house and we will be able to get on with our "new normal!  I have been having crafting and sewing withdrawal.  I found my embroidery machine but am still on the look out for my Singer sewing machine.

The animals are adjusting nicely and Kiddo isn't doing too bad with it either.  We finally have internet but no t.v. or phone.  We will stick with Netflix as it is still the least expensive and will probably go with Skype through our internet as our home phone.  We are not willing to pay the prices for many conveniences anymore.  We have more important things we could be saving that money for.
The other morning we woke up to over 2 inches of snow, giving us this beautiful view out our kitchen window. But only hours after we awoke..........
The snow was gone and it was a GLORIOUS DAY indeed!


  1. That's how our snow has been around here too.

    So glad you have internet back. I've missed you.

  2. Hi Laura..
    I had to smile when I read your comment about your dad riding the mower everywhere :)
    I should imagine once it warms up here that Spencer will do the same thing.
    Oh ... the moving thing. Boy, can I relate!
    We said that we'd never move again, and yet here we are less than a year later with our house on the market and hoping to move to another house. It's still in the same small town though. We do love it here.
    Hope this is a great week for you!!

  3. So glad to see you're settling in nicely. Please pray for us, Laura, as we are now in a very similar situation and have to move house as soon as we can as the farm we rent is going up for sale. I am still in shock! Thanks so much.

  4. Wow,,,I've missed your move. It's beautiful living in the holler...

  5. Okay, yes the weather is so wacky. We have barely had snow. What we get is gone the next day. Then the day after it is in the sixties. Yesterday we out working in the yard and it was 63. Allen grilled dinner. Today I am freezing. Go figure. I would sure miss having winter but if we can't have some good snow, then I wish Spring will come shortly.




WELCOME! Pull up a chair and stay awhile......the coffee's on and the door is always open!