Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Hustle Bustle Is Over

The temperature is around 60* and we are having a BEAUTIFUL day today.  As you can see, Kitty is enjoying it just as much as we are. We are just taking it easy today, relaxing now that the hustle and bustle is over with.  BLECH! I really hate the frazzled feeling we have allowed ourselves to get this time of year.  Today we are getting caught up on some laundry/dishes and doing some crafting.  Skippy is getting ready to grill and use his new BBQ Pit Boys knife he got for Christmas.

Thank you, Lord, for this gorgeous day to not have to rush around but to take it slow and enjoy my family!

Saturday, December 17, 2016


On Thursday, while waiting to pick up Mouse (my granddaughter, formerly known as Doodle Bug) from school, I was thinking of what my word for 2017 should be. Lots of words came to mind, but the one that stuck out the most was one I heard a young woman talk about this morning on the Christian radio station, WPER.....NON-NOGOTIABLE - not open to negotiation or discussion.  They had an audio clip by Christine Caine about how she keeps from getting burnt out and not feeling frazzled all the time with having such a busy schedule. Her key tips are: 

1) Make sure you are in the will of God, making sure you do what HE wants you to do and not what everybody else wants you to do.
2) Be healthy, nourish you body
3) Isaiah 40:31 - "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint!" The Bible promises us that we shall RUN not to be weary and we shall WALK and not faint.
4) Being burnt out is not from what you are supposed to be doing, and what we are supposed to be doing is listening to our spiritual disciplines: being in the Word, praying, being in the fellowship of other believers, etc. Through these things, the spirit of God sustains us and strengthens us.
5) Have and make those spiritual disciplines....NON-NEGOTIABLE!
6) Make sure quiet time with GOD is a priority as when we get busy we tend to push that and our studies to the side.

This all reminded me of what my husband said one day after he came home from work and I told him I had not done much of anything with the house because I spent most of the day in bed trying to keep warm and doing my Bible study. He said, "We only have ONE THING that we need to make sure we do each day and that's to spend time with the Lord!" And you know what, he was right!

So, as you read earlier, my word(s) for 2017 will be NON-NEGOTIABLE because nothing will interfere anymore with my quiet time with the Lord. I know that putting Him first will empower me to lead the life that HE intended for me to live!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Unwanted Visitor

In the past four years since we have been here, we have had a bunch of cats born on our porch, eight (8) to be exact, plus the two that were already going back between our house and our neighbor's.  As soon as we were able to, we had all the cats spayed and neutered.  They have since become members of our family but yet still continue to live on the porch due to our lease.

 Living in the country, especially right below the Shenandoah National Park, you will have many different wild animals around.  The other night while I was running an on-line JAMBERRY facebook party, I heard the glass pan moving outside the door.  Guess who was on our front porch?  When I opened the door, our little friend turned around and grabbed one more handful of cat food.  This is not the first time they have been here and by no means will it be the last.  That still doesn't make it easier to not be started when you see them.  And YES, I think they are ADORABLE!  :D
Today was a GORGEOUS DAY. Beautiful temps with a slight breeze so I turned the A/C off and opened all the windows and doors.  AAAHHH!!! Lots of laundry was done and hung outside to sway and dry in the sunshine and the gentle breeze.  Even Ubers seemed to enjoy the pretty day out on the window sill. 

While having my coffee, I heard a noise on the porch.  Guess who? Another raccoon. I have had a confrontation once before with a raccoon in the middle of the day and it was not a good experience as he killed one of our chickens.  I found out shortly after that, when nothing seemed to deter him and he just stood there staring at me, then growled, that it was rabid.  I tried to get this one to leave, but like the other one, he just stood there looking at me. I tried shooting it with the pellet gun but he still didn't move.  I started screaming and yelling and banging things around and he finally just sauntered off the porch through the open window and jumped to the ground.  The look I got before he left was, "Don't you worry......I'LL BE BACK!" And he was!
Silly woman, you can tell me to leave, but I'm still going to come back. Again....and again.....and again!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I joined the JAMBERRY Company back in February and FINALLY was able to get my daughter to try the wraps. She started off small, only doing one finger on each hand right now.  While she was putting on her retired wraps, SAPPHIRE SEA from our DISNEY by Jamberry Collection, her 2 1/2 year old daughter saw them and said, "OOOOOOH, MOMMY.....YOUR NAIWS ARE BOOTIFUL!  I LOVE THEM WITH ALL YOUR HEART!" 
 We now have two new WRAPPERS in our family!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Great Day

Woke up very late this morning and didn't have a chance to do my nails.  Got caught "nakie" at our local ice cream shop after church by someone who knew I sold Jamberry.  (EEEKKK) Not to worry, she left with a catalog, sample sheet and application instructions, a party date and a HUGE SMILE!  😄
Went to church and spent the day with three of Skippy's co-workers from Belgium, France and Puerto Rico.  
We parked and had luch at Gathering Grounds, walked around town to the thelocal shops, 

Art Wharehouse, Chamber of Commerce and Hawksbill Trading Company.  Then a family trip to FLOTZIE'S to get the guys a cone.  I choose a bottle of water!  (pats self on the back!)  

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Doodle Bug

We've had this little goober since yesterday. We walked over a mile with the family last night looking for deer........and Pokemon.  It was such a beautiful evening and was nice and cool.
Today we played outside and did a lot of running around, she loves it when Nana chases her.  So thankful to be able to do that with her.
We also made some garbanzo bean flour cookies with sugar free chocolate chips.  Doodle Bug LOVED them! YUUMMMM!!!!!

I just love this girl beyond words and am so BLESSED to have her in my life.  So looking forward to the day our grandson will be here with us as well.  Soon......VERY SOON!  

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


My dearest Bean~

 I look at you and I do not see the passage of time. I see my little girl playing dress up, running through the yard, playing on the swings, picking wildflowers, riding around in that red jeep through the house, playing with Moosie and drawing a big scary face with sharp teeth on the family room wall in crayon and then proceed to tell me, "GOD MADE ME DO IT!"  (I'm still not buying it!  lol)
I will try hard to accept the fact that you are older now and that the decisions you make are your own, but you must understand that to me, you will always be my little girl. It's hard to believe that as you celebrate your birthday, it is your first birthday as a new mom. You now know what it is to love unconditionally and with every fiber of your being. Then later on when he grows up and makes you breakfast for Mother's Day, I pray you will have the wonderful experience of eating a bed of lettuce covered with pretzels, sour cream and Jell-O. A sweet memory I will NEVER forget!
I may not be able to carry you in my arms anymore, my daughter, but I will ALWAYS CARRY YOU IN MY HEART!


Tuesday, July 12, 2016


STOP FOR A MOMENT........BREATHE!! Don't let yourself get so wrapped up in BUSY that you miss the simple things in life that make you happy!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Keeping Busy

It is a GORGEOUS day here on the farm.  Them temperature is in the high 70's - low 80's but the humidity is gone.  PRAISE THE LORD!!! Some days it has been absolutely horrible, like a wet blanket covering your entire body, making it difficult to breathe.  We are very happy for the reprieve and I am taking advantage of it to the fullest.

I have the doors and windows open and have been hanging all the laundry out to dry.  I love being outdoors so any chance I get, even it it's just to do laundry, I take it.
I have also been busy woodworking and sign painting to get caught up on my orders and also some benefit auction items.  These are just a few of the things I have been making.....

My two grandchildren -2/8 of my heart!

What have YOU been up to?

A Day With The Girls

I recently went with my Goose and Doodle Bug to White Oak Lavender Farm. It is a beautiful place with a gift shop, a cafe and lots of areas for you to pick your own bunches of lavender for a very good price.

 They also had a few animals for the kids to pet...
 and to feed rocks! lol
 Doodle Bug loved the baby pigs....
 and the big swings.
 My sweet girl!  <3 br="">
 Checkers anyone?
Someone loves to play with rocks and water.....no matter where it is!
Time to head home.

Monday, July 4, 2016


On a day that we as Americans celebrate our independence and freedom, let us remember that eternal freedom is also available to us. Anyone who repents, trusts, and believes in the name of Jesus Christ will have far more than earthly freedom given to them. July 4th is a beautiful day of celebration, but it does not compare to the day you are granted eternal freedom by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior! 

Friday, July 1, 2016


Good morning! 

It's a beautiful day to be outside and enjoy the sunshine. 
Apparently, the theme at our house today is COFFEE & RELAXATION! lol
