Our Precious Grandblessings

Our Precious Grandblessings

With God at the center of our lives, even the simplest of things are infused with peace and joy!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


I have been searching for a push mower for years, but with not much luck. Actually, I found one last year at a yard sale but couldn't get in touch with Skippy to see if we could afford to get it at that time, so I had to pass.

I finally found one at another yard sale for only $10.00 dollars, but the sweet lady let me have it for only $7.00.  WOO HOO!  


No more having to spend all that money to 
mow the lawn. 

It's not gas powered..........

It is.........

(I like to mow it myself too!)


  1. That's what we bought this year. Hubby sold our old one last year and regretted it so that's why we got another. With gas the way it is that's the only way to go. Plus it helps to keep us in shape.

  2. Great buy!
    And, a little hard work never killed a kid yet ~~~LOL !!

    Smiles :)

  3. Kid power is the best! All you need to provide is some lemonade and cookies...much cheaper than gas.

  4. You got yourself a great deal there, sister. I am so happy for you!

    It is funny to think of this as a "push mower"; I always think of a push mower of any mower that one does not ride. It is also funny how these reel mowers are now the THING to have and fetch such high prices.



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