"Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things."
Psalm 81:10
Psalm 81:10

When I saw the commercial about 2 weeks ago, the first thing I did was call my friend, Daisy. When she answered the phone, all she heard was the high pitched

WAHOO COOKIE!" That very moment, we took out our calendars and made a date to
Well, Friday night, Goose asked me, "Mom...what are you doing tomorrow night? Tang is going hunting with his brother and I will be home alone. Do you want to do something?" (insert sad momma face here!) "Well, sweetie, Daisy and I are going out for dinner....would you like to come along?" "Where are you going?", she said. My very quiet (ha ha) reply was ....... "THE NEVER ENDING PASTA BOWLS ARE BACK....THE NEVER ENDING PASTA BOWLS ARE BACK! WAHOO COOKIE!" "You're going to Olive Garden? Oooohhhhh, Tang is going to be jealous if I do......COUNT ME IN!" (insert HAPPY MOMMA face here!)
Well, on our way to the restaurant, Daisy and I started talking about the last time we went to OG, which was for a combined birthday dinner between myself, Daisy, and a friend of ours, J. I had mentioned that it would be nice to see him again since we were only going to be a few minutes away, and the fact that it just wouldn't seem right to go to OG without him! :> )
So, 20 minutes later, we were all at Olive Garden, happy as clams, waiting for a table. It was sucha WONDERFUL evening. The weather was BEAUTIFUL, the company was WONDERFUL, and the food was DELICIOUS!
Thank you, my Skippy Man, for staying at home with Kiddo (although you were missed terribly), allowing me to have such an amazing evening and make such sweet memories with my family and friend!